I flew home to Michigan this weekend, and was glad to get away from the DC rat-race for a few days. My flights in both directions went much better than expected, as I escaped being groped or run through the nudie scanner by the TSA. Despite having lots of errands to take care of while I was home, I still managed to get time to relax and catch up with friends.

Christmas Tree at National AirportI saw the following TSA poster at National Airport this morning, and it really made me laugh. If you look at the picture, you might notice that the "suspicious item" is located in the gate area, which is past security. Apparently, even the TSA realizes that their security theater might not be foolproof. I love the line about reporting suspicious activity to 911. "Hello police? There are some suspicious people in blue Smurf outfits doing some really weird things. Can you check into this?"