Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Clock Starts Ticking

Tomorrow, the Lowe's contractors are coming out to install carpet in two of my bedrooms. I had to get the corner bedroom emptied out and ready, and in the process, I started realizing how much stuff I am going to have to give away or throw away. I've been at my house for almost two years, and I have acquired a fair amount of stuff in that interval. Since I'm going to be moving into a one-bedroom place, I have a lot that needs to go. While moving is a pain, it does help keep our possessions from overtaking us.

The amount of work that I have to do over the next month and a half is staggering. I have to sort out what needs to be given away, what needs to be packed, and what needs to be thrown away. And then there is the work that will be necessary to sell the house. I'm just hoping that the whole process goes smoothly, and that I am able to quickly sell the house.


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