Sunday, April 09, 2006

Random Thoughts on a Sunday

It was a nice sunny day today, so I took the bike out for a quick ride today. The weather was chilly (this is supposed to be Virginia, not Michigan!), but it was a fun bike ride nonetheless. I need to work on getting myself back in shape, and I can't wait for the weather to warm up a little.

Tonight, I went to church at McLean Bible Church in Virginia. On Sunday nights, they have their Frontline services, which is their ministry to Gen X and Y'ers in the DC area. This was my first time at the church, and it was an interesting experience. While it is only a third of the size of the Willow Creek Community Church, it is still much larger than the Ann Arbor Vineyard, where I currently go. I was impressed by the fact that there were over a thousand young people attending church on a Sunday night - and that was just one of the two Frontline services. Many churches ignore the 18-30 age group, so I'm glad that there is a church that is actively reaching out to them.

I picked up a ticket to the Delirious? concert that is going to be held at McLean Bible this week. Tree 63 is also going to be playing, and I'm looking forward to the concert.


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