Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Politicians gone mad

What in the world is going with our politicians lately? In Washington, Congress is working hard on ignoring the extreme deficits of the President's latest budget. They also are choosing to look the other way as Social Security and Medicare become insolvent, since the Social Security "trust fund" does not really exist. Instead, the Democrat leadership is trying to find a way to pass a bill that we can't afford, without actually voting on it. In New York, Assemblyman Ortiz is more interested in banning salt in restaurant cooking than in fixing New York's 6.8 billion dollar deficit. Apparently, Mr. Ortiz is not aware that salt is a key ingredient in breads, sauces, and other foods, not to mention margaritas. In Michigan, where we the state's "rainy day" fund is almost gone, Governor Granholm has decided to tackle the important issues first. She has issued a formal proclamation to make Saturday, March 20, Michigan Meatout Day. Come again?

I, for one, hereby declare this Saturday to be "Dave will eat meat when he chooses" day. And I hope that someday soon, politicians will turn their attention to fulfilling their Constitutional obligations, instead of trying to control the lives of others.


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