Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Working to a bad end

So according to this Washington Post article, the Senate is planning on having its first Christmas Eve session since 1963. The Democratic leadership is so obsessed with quickly passing a health care bill that the American people do not want, and is forcing Senators and their staff to continue working around the clock up through Christmas. The legislation would still be there in January, as it isn't a crisis like the growing national debt, or the unemployment rate that is still rising. But the Democrats are so afraid that there could be negative repercussions in the 2010 elections, that they are desperate to pass the legislation now in the hopes that the American people will forget this travesty in November.

As a small-business person who personally pays for my own health care, the Democrats health care plan will have a negative impact on me. I will most likely no longer be able to purchase the health insurance plan I currently have. Instead, I will be stuck with paying for a plan with features I don't want, and I will watch my insurance rates go through the roof as the medical industry shifts costs for the upcoming government subsidized health plans to those with private plans. And worse, I will eventually see my taxes skyrocket, as the country tries to pay for those massive subsidies.


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