Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

At last night's Easter Vigil service, one of the readings was from Genesis 22, where God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, and then steps in to prevent him from doing so. As I listened to the reading, I started pondering what Isaac must have thought about the ordeal. Did he think that Abraham was suffering from dementia? Did he willingly let his father tie him up? Did Abraham eventually tell his son what the plan was, as some commentators believe? And what was the relationship between Abraham and Isaac like afterwards?

Most Christians look at the story of Abraham and Isaac almost purely from the perspective that it foreshadowed the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. But the foreshadowing only makes sense if Isaac was a willing participant in the event, in the same way that Jesus willing sacrificed his life to fufill his Father's will.

What the Bible really needs is the ancient version of Paul Harvey, who can tell us the rest of the story.


Anonymous _andy said...

Meaning no offense, but this may be your best blog post ever.

Very nice.

9:25 PM, April 14, 2009  

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