Thursday, January 29, 2009

Are you ready to borrow $3000?

As if last year's massive bailout bill to the financial industry wasn't enough, Congress is at it again. The House just passed a $810 billion dollar "stimulus" package (translation: pork barrel spending), and the total is expected to climb to $900 billion by the time the Senate is finished with it. And while the financial industry bailout left the taxpayers owning various assets, some of questionable quality, this new stimulus is about spending, and not getting anything in return. To put the size of the package into perspective, the bill means that the US Government will borrow $3000 for every single person within the United States. Per actual taxpayer, the bill will be about $6500 per person.

The United States is massively in debt, and it looks like Congress is ready to add another ten percent for 2009 onto our $10.6 trillion total debt. The US taxpayers will have to pay every dollar of that debt at some point. Perhaps instead of saddling our grandchildren with an impossible tax burden, we could choose to reduce our government's spending.


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