Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The continuing march into the long night

If there was every a question of where the political loyalties of the mainstream media lay, this morning it was pretty clear. From some of the headlines and hyperbole in the articles, one would have thought that the Second Coming of Christ happened yesterday. In fact, it was only the First Coming of Obama, which to some elements of the media, might actually be more important. The New York Times had an article about the renewed hope in America that the rest of the world has due to Obama. A Washington Post headline blared, "On Distant Continents, Praise for Obama". Articles hoped for a new era of prosperity, and reading between the lines, one just knows that every little girl will finally get her pony under Obama. And these articles weren't even the ones on the opinion page.

Of course, the Dow Industrials fell 5.1% today, the economy is still a mess, and Social Security remains a mess of unpaid IOU's. Russia continues to exercise its nationalistic tendencies, Iran is still in turmoil with its neighbors and itself, and Venezuela still despises the United States. The automakers have not changed their goal of laying off thousands of employees, the national debt is out of control, and it's merely a matter of time before the government starts printing money just to stay afloat.

I wish good luck to all of the people partying like it's 1976, but may I suggest that now would be a good time to start saving money for a rainy day? Because a rainy day is coming, and one man's charisma can't change that.


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