Sunday, June 03, 2007

Post-move random musings

Well, it has been a long, crazy, and exhausting week. I moved to a new apartment on Friday, and the move did not go nearly as smoothly as planned. The moving company that was supposed to move me failed to show up. Apparently, they overbooked themselves, and that left me to fend for myself. Thankfully, two of my wonderful neighbors in Colonial Village helped me move. I managed to cram my belongings into my new room, and I have started the slow and painful process of unpacking. Unfortunately, it has been a difficult process, because there is so little space in which to unpack things. At the moment, I only have a few square feet of empty floor space in my bedroom. Hopefully, that will improve as I get boxes unpacked.

Work hasn't been much fun lately. I have lots of administrative work piling up, and I haven't had a chance to work on it due to the move. One of my contracts looks like it is on the verge of imploding, and I feel like I'm drowning in paperwork, policies, and meetings. Unfortunately, work doesn't look like it will improve any time soon.

I'm hoping that life settles down quickly. I really want to take some vacation time this summer. I had hoped that I could go see Yellowstone in June, but it looks like that trip has been delayed until the late summer or early fall. In the short term, I'm hoping that I can get in a few short trips a little closer to home. I'm planning a trip down to southeastern Virginia, and then on to the Outer Banks.


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