Friday, February 16, 2007

End of another week

Today ended another week, and I wasn't unhappy to see it go. The best word to describe the week was "annoying". Things were annoying me, people were annoying me, and I know that I annoyed at least a couple of people this week. But I suppose that there were some good things about the week. Comcast came out and replaced some connectors in the outside wiring, and my cable internet is working again. I managed to start catching up on my backlog of errands and stuff to do. And I managed to survive Valentine's Day without getting too annoyed at it.

Another bright spot in my week is that I stayed way under my new food budget. In January, when I did my year-end analysis of my 2006 spending, I realized that I spend way too much on food. Eating out every day for lunch really adds up - usually to the tune of $7 to $8. Plus, there are dinners out with friends, meals out on dates (the hazard of being a guy), and those dinners when you just don't feel like cooking. So one of my resolutions for 2006 was to trim my "non-social" food budget. This has required quite the adjustment, mostly in remembering to pack my lunch every day. But I'm slowly improving, and this week I was really dilligent about it. It's amazing how much money you can save when you don't eat out.

I had originally planned on going to Raleigh this weekend to visit my parents, but it didn't work out, mainly due to a lack of good planning on my part. That means that I'm stuck in DC for the long weekend, and I would rather be anywhere but DC. But it may end up being a blessing in disguise. Hopefully, I can catch up on sleep, get some work done in the mornings (I'm way behind on hours), and get myself out of the house in the afternoon. I've been spending way too much time in my apartment lately, and I can't imagine that is healthy for me.

As a side note, it has been interesting watching Virginia try to deal with the little snowstorm that it got on Tuesday. They don't know how to clear the snow, so it's basically turned into ice everywhere. I was amused by the use of front loaders to try to move snow. In Michigan, they just mount snow plows onto a basic pickup truck, and push the snow out of the way. But down here, they do it the hard way. Several schools in the area had four consecutive snow days because they couldn't get the snow cleared.


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