Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Starting the New Year

Well, the holidays have faded, and it's back to the daily grind. After taking a week off from work, the adjustment back to work has been a little harder than usual. Plus, I seem to have caught one of the bugs going around, which has been bad enough to annoy me, but not bad enough to keep me home. So that hasn't helped with getting back into the swing of things.

I'm still haven't finished my list of New Year's resolutions for this year. I suppose I should add "stop procrastinating" to the list. One of the resolutions that I have been considering is to start working methodically on my list of travel destinations. There are lots of places in the world that I want to visit. In the United States, I want to see Yellowstone, the Everglades, and the Pacific Northwest. I also want to see lots of places around the world, from Ireland to Australia. If I select two or three destinations to visit each year, I just might get to see most of them before I retire.

I'm not sure if most of you caught it, but there was a very cool story in the news today. A construction worker in Manhattan named Wesley Autrey saved the life of a young man who suffered a seizure and fell onto the subway tracks in front of an oncoming train. It's not every day that you hear about an ordinary citizen risking his life to save a complete stranger. Unlike many people who are branded as a "hero" by the media for common everyday activities, Mr. Autrey is a true hero in every sense of the word. The world needs more people like Mr. Autrey.


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