My Political Rant for the Week
I flew back to Michigan tonight for the weekend, and while it is good to be back, I was a little suprised by how cold it was. I actually had to turn on the heat in the car. What happened to the beautiful May weather? I'm hoping that the rain stops long enough for me to mow my lawn. At the current rate of growth, I'm worried that I'll mow the lawn and find a car on blocks hidden somewhere in it.
US politics have been interesting lately. We had an aide to Representative Ney pleading guilty to taking bribes. We have lots of congressmen running for cover. A senior administration official had his house searched by the FBI as part of a corruption investigation. With the President's approval rating falling below thirty percent, the President is shaking up his administration. Some of the choices the President has made for recent nominees have been downright ridiculous. And now press reports claim that the government has obtained the phone records of ordinary American citzens.
I suspect that elections this fall will be very interesting. I wonder how many Americans are paying attention to the news. Will they reelect a group of Republicans who don't care about laws, civil liberties, and fiscal responsibility, or are they going to elect a whole slew of tax-and-spend liberal Democrats? Either way, I think the country is in trouble. Sadly, I would rather pay higher taxes for a bloated welfare state if the government actually cared about civil liberties. Twelve years ago, we had a group of politicians who were advocating balanced budgets, states rights, term limits, and clean government. Unfortunately, those people have either left (ie. the ones who actually believed in term limits), or let themselves get co-opted by the system. I wish we could find some idealistic conservative politicians again. The country needs them.
US politics have been interesting lately. We had an aide to Representative Ney pleading guilty to taking bribes. We have lots of congressmen running for cover. A senior administration official had his house searched by the FBI as part of a corruption investigation. With the President's approval rating falling below thirty percent, the President is shaking up his administration. Some of the choices the President has made for recent nominees have been downright ridiculous. And now press reports claim that the government has obtained the phone records of ordinary American citzens.
I suspect that elections this fall will be very interesting. I wonder how many Americans are paying attention to the news. Will they reelect a group of Republicans who don't care about laws, civil liberties, and fiscal responsibility, or are they going to elect a whole slew of tax-and-spend liberal Democrats? Either way, I think the country is in trouble. Sadly, I would rather pay higher taxes for a bloated welfare state if the government actually cared about civil liberties. Twelve years ago, we had a group of politicians who were advocating balanced budgets, states rights, term limits, and clean government. Unfortunately, those people have either left (ie. the ones who actually believed in term limits), or let themselves get co-opted by the system. I wish we could find some idealistic conservative politicians again. The country needs them.
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