Saturday, January 14, 2006

War Without End

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

--- Benjamin Franklin, "Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759"

Unfortunately, the citizens of the United States seem to have forgotten Mr. Franklin's sage advice. People are quite willing to let politicians sacrifice their liberties in the hopes that we will win the "War on Terror". Unfortunately, the war against terrorism is not a conventional conflict that has a finite duration. Terrorism, in one form or the another, has been around since the dawn of mankind. While the level of terrorism will ebb and flow, it will never go away completely. This does not mean that people need to live their lives in fear. People are far more likely to die in a car accident than being involved in a terrorist incident, but you don't see people quitting their morning commute. In the same way, people should keep going on with their lives, and not give up their freedoms due to fear.


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