Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A Random Blend of Thoughts

Work has been very busy for the last couple of months. Judging from the number of "priority one" items on my project list, I anticipate that things will continue to be busy for a while. Plus, I'll be spending the next several weeks in DC during the week. Thankfully, I've still managed to find some time to have some fun. Last weekend, I drove up to Pennsylvania to visit one of my cousins who attends the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, which is a cute little campus that looks almost like a ski resort nestled in the mountains. I had a fun day out there with my cousin and her boyfriend, and then drove back to DC for another week inside the beltway.

On the technical side, I'm playing with
Camino, which is an open-source browser for the Mac made by the Mozilla project. So far, I have found it to be much faster than either Safari or Firefox.

I'm flying back to Michigan this weekend, which I am looking forward to. I love Ann Arbor in the Fall.


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